The Lake Eau Claire Protection and Rehabilitation District was formed in 2013 and held its first annual public meeting on August 17, 2013. The purpose of the District is to work to protect the lakes ecology.
The Lake Eau Claire Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to protect and improve the water quality and fishery of Lake Eau Claire for the benefit of the lake residents and general public.
Meeting Agendas
Meeting Minutes
Area Activities
Upcoming Events
Fireworks Donations
There are five major impoundment lakes along the course of the Eau Claire River and numerous tributary streams which are part of the river basin. All of these work in concert to control things such as sediment and nutrient loads, fisheries and wildlife habitat, and resources connected to recreation and agriculture.
Click here to learn more about this organization: Here
Clicking on this tab will provide access to a variety of current and historical documents and forms. Both publicly accessible and restricted documents and data will be found here. This site serves as the electronic library for the Lake District and the Association and is searchable and backed up regularly.